Appointment Information

Dental Appointment Request in Brentwood

Flexible appointments are available, Monday through Friday.

Check-ups, cleanings, and periodontal maintenance appointments can be scheduled up to six months in advance.  This allows you to reserve the time that is most convenient for you and your schedule, as we fully understand that your time is important.

Please be assured that we reserve a specific amount of time just for you and your treatment with your doctor or hygienist.  We also completely prepare in advance for your arrival, ensuring that our staff is fully available to you so that all your needs are met.  With this in mind, we do require that our patients to give us a 24-hour advanced notice if there is a need to reschedule an appointment.   Please understand that with advanced notice of rescheduled appointments we can offer that appointment time to another patient in need of treatment.

Contact us today for additional information or schedule your appointment.


Contact Us

We encourage you to contact us with any questions or comments you may have. Please call our office or use the contact form below.

Brentwood Dentistry